Tanja Rosenqvist, doctoral candidate working on this research project, won the Big Ideas Student Award at the WASH 2016 Conference for her video presentation based on her participation in the UTS Final of the 3-Minute Thesis Competition in 2015. ‘Sanitation services for poo or people?’ video presentation
An overview of the research and synthesis of the research findings and their implications for sanitation programs and policy will be shared at this participatory workshop with the Sanitation Partners Group and interested stakeholders.
ISF and AKSANSI, in partnership with Bappenas and supported by PU, are delivering two practical hands-on workshops for participants to share experiences and learn about new innovations for community scale sanitation success and how to implement them in their localities. There will be up to 50 participants from kota/kabupaten in Java and Makassar at each event, made up of pairs of people from KSM/KPP associations and relevant local government technical units to enable more effective learning.
The training workshops, held in Bangkok 29 Feb – 4 March, are based on outcomes and learning from this project.
These events will present a synthesis of the research findings from this 3-year project and their implications, as well as introduce the resulting tools for improving governance of community sanitation. The Learning Events are designed for mutual learning for government stakeholders, donors, NGOs, KSM members, and any others who are stakeholders in community scale sanitation services (including sanimas) and the research partners.
If you are interested in attending or receiving the final outputs please email: or